Thursday, April 16, 2015

Detoxing - What I Wish I Knew Before I Bought All Those Supplements

If you've read my other blog posts, you may remember my mention of my toxic exposure at the beginning of 2012. For 2 1/2 months, I absorbed a polyurethane stain into my arms from my desk at work.

Only after a considerable amount of hair loss did I realize there was something very wrong. Leave it to vanity to expose a problem; it had to be something - I had ignored the hot flashes, the exhaustion, the daily red-faced flushes. I also didn't think much of losing all the hair on my arms. It wasn't until I could see my scalp (6 weeks into the toxic exposure) did I have a light bulb moment, "Uh-oh, something's wrong here".  

My first quest started with prayer to get to the root of the problem. Before I knew what the cause of the problem was, I attacked the hair issue with essential oils, scalp balancing no-shampoo method, and nutritional supplements that hinted at hair re-growth. I did notice a slight difference, but they did little for my exhaustion. It took a lot of mental energy to psych myself up to get up in the morning, and though I worked through the brain fog, 8-9 hours later I'd come right back home and barely change my clothes before crawling back in bed. Sometimes eating dinner was a challenge.

I believe in God and prayer, and whole heartedly believe that without it, my health would have deteriorated so much more, and may have led to death. On my journey to regain my health, 4 separate health-care practitioners (naturopath, preventative, and traditional) have each asked, "How are you standing?!" (or walking, breathing, etc). Each time I point to my Source of Strength, because I know without Him, I wouldn't have survived, much less suspected my desk was slowly killing me.

Once my desk had been removed from my office, I began the second leg of my jounrney - Detox. I had previously taken a powdered-juice mixture of barley, carrots, and beets, along with fiber that had wonderful reviews for cleansing both the colon and liver ( I had been off them for a few months, but quickly got back on them once toxicity proved to be the issue.

Though I knew my problem was serious, I waited months before seeing a doctor. and continued with the juicing thinking it would be enough. After months of exhaustion and prompting from my oiler/aromatherapist I agreed to see a doctor who was responsible for the formulations of hormone -balancing essential oil blends.  

For the appointment, the first doctor required extensive labwork, and before I was able to share my story, he took one look at my hormone panel (thyroid, progesterone, and estrodial) and said, "Something very bad happened to you."

His recommendation was a nutritional panel and a $100 glutathione spray. I bought it, with hopes that it was exactly what I needed to overcome my issues. It was a close start.
I used it everyday - again, feeling only a slight difference. 
Since then, I've tried MSM, Sulfur, milk thistle, continued juicing - and continued to battle my way through my hormonal issues, enlisted the help of a natruopath, who suggested an MD (because my hypothyroidism was so severe), and for the past 9 months I have been on naturthroid and a myriad of supplements in an effort to detox.

So, what is it I wish I had known?
I wish I would have known about coffee enemas.
I wish my naturopath and php would have told me that a coffee enema could increase my glutothione production by 600 - 700%. 

I wish someone would've told me that coffee enemas are the fastest way to detox my body.
A few months ago while I was battling strep throat infection, I learned that supplements will do little good if your bowels aren't clean enough to absorb their nutrients. So after some research, I purchased a stainless steel enema kit. It helped to knock out the last of the strep while I was treating it naturally. (I was determined to do so for the sake of my antibodies).

In the last two weeks, while listening to podcast on biohacking (Bulletproof Radio) I was floored when I learned about the glutothione increase that was possible with a coffee enema.
Of course the cleaner the coffee the better the results. There is a a ton of research out on the internet. Here are a few links; the first is the podcast/video where I heard about their powerful detoxing results: 
Wendy Meyers also has a video all about coffee enema's and more info on her website
My Results
I had my first coffee enema 3 days ago. Another reason why I wish I would have known about it sooner - I felt really, really good afterwards! I felt "healthier" than I had in a long time! I did it at night before bed, but the next day I felt like I had more energy than I had since before my thyroid shut down! It wasn't like a caffeine buzz - I've had those before, usually accompanied by heart palpitations and jitters. This was "clean" energy. I'd like to repeat the process every month.

I am excited about the potential of my liver being purged and by the surge of glutothione. I am excited at the prospect of my supplements being more effective with a cleaner gut. But mostly I am excited about taking a huge step towards my goal of regaining my health so that my husband and I can start our family.

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