Sunday, July 28, 2013

No Shampoo? A New Way to Wash...

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday I tried something different - I didn't shampoo my hair. Now, I did wash my hair, I just didn't use conventional shampoo.

While searching online for some natural and organic remedies for hair growth and regrowth, I came across testimonials of people using an Apple Cider vinegar rinse to restore the ph balance to their scalp. The rinse also helped to dissolve DHT, a by product of the hormone testosterone (present in every human body) which causes thinning of the hair.

I've had thin hair for all of my adult life, but a few months ago I began shedding a lot more hair due to 3 months of unknown, daily chemical exposure. The culprit? A wood stain on my work desk. My family and I had been doing a lot of prayer to get to the bottom of the problem of my hair loss, then one day, it all came together. Since then (mid-April), I've been working on detoxifying my life, starting with getting rid of the desk. I've upped my supplements (herbs,vitamins,and minerals), cut back on unhealthy foods, and began using *pure essential oils (for balance and as scalp therapy). I had switched to an organic shampoo infused with essential oils and MSM, but I wanted to find a less costly shampoo. I'm happy to report that the changes I've made so far drastically reduced the hair loss. Now I'm on the mission of regrowth.

While continuing my Apple Cider Vinegar research, I came across a video of the No Shampoo Method on Youtube. Initially I was pretty grossed out by the concept of not shampooing, but especially when I read the more common title being used,  The No-Poo Method (reading the video description put me a little more at ease). As I watched the first video and read more on the subject, I learned that the people going through with the no shampoo were washing their hair with a baking soda and water mix, then an apple cider vinegar and water mix. They were reporting that their hair was coming out very clean and that with no residual scent of the vinegar.

I had tried the vinegar rinse a week before, with a hilarious result! Either I was so excited by what I found online that I misread the mixture directions, or someone had incorrectly posted the directions.

The WRONG mix: 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV for short) to 1 cup pf water
The CORRECT mix: 1 TABLESPOON of ACV to 1 cup of water
I smelled like a salad for a whole week! LOL!

So, yesterday I tried the No shampoo method. Here are the directions.

Mix 1 TABLESPOON of Baking Soda to 1 CUP of water in a container. Shake well. I used a regular bottle of water, filled halfway.

In a separate container, mix 1 TABLESPOON of Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 CUP of water. I use Braggs ACV, it is organic and has the "mother" (nutrient rich apple goop). If you use an ACV with this stuff, make sure you shake the bottle well, before pouring it into your container. For this mix, I use a spray bottle so that I can aim it at my scalp and hair without getting it into my eyes.

You can also add *essential oils to either mixture. I added a mix of rosemary, peppermint, lavender, and cedarwood to my Baking Soda wash mix. They are known to encourage hair growth.  

When you are ready to wash your hair, pour or spray the Baking Soda mix onto your hair and rub/massage your scalp and hair like you normally would. Then rinse your hair well. Next, pour or spray the Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse throughout your scalp and hair and rub/massage again. Rinse well. When I was done, I was so happy that my hair did not smell like vinegar this time! Instead, it had the light scent of the essential oils.

When my hair was dry, one of my brothers commented that my hair looked fuller and healthier. I thought it felt pretty clean too. I have naturally curly hair and it seemed like my curls had more bounce to them.

Today was day 2 of the No Shampoo method. Again my hair feels really clean. But it isn't as bouncy. I tried 2 new things in addition today - a scalp massage with coconut and the essential oil mix, before my hair washing; and after the baking soda and ACV washing I applied fresh (picked from my yard) Aloe Vera Gel to my hair before the final rinse, to get out any leftover coconut oil. Tomorrow, I'm trying the 2 regular washes again. I will keep you posted!

Thank you for reading,
God bless!

*Essential Oil Information
I personally use Young Living Essential Oils. Their oils are processed in a manner which keeps the integrity of the plant properties the most pure. While using these oils for the the past 3 years, my family and I have experienced less colds and flu (and quicker recovery time), my husband has avoided hospitalization for tonsillitis (prior to oils he was hospitalized twice), my mother and I have experienced balance of our hormones (I will share another post on this soon!), and my dog recovered from parvo with the use of these oils. I became a Young Living Distributor last year for the discount on purchasing.

The Oils I mentioned above are known for their scalp stimulating properties:

If you would like to learn more about the products you can visit
To read some real testimonials you can visit . (You need to create an account, but it's free)
If you would like to purchase, please use my Distributor Code: #1307904  
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

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